Word Press and Insert PHP Code Snippets Plug In

Recently, Word Press no longer has the Insert PHP plugin.  We have had several clients use the "Woody ad snippets" or "Insert PHP Code Snippets" plug in instead.  Here is how it works.  We will get Is Your Child Sick working, then you can apply the same to all categories.

Create a page in Word Press for your Is Your Child Sick Articles

Go to Pages > Add New.  Name your page Is Your Child Sick.

You can leave the content blank for now.  You can "Save Draft" or "Publish".  Not the name of the page.  By default, it should be "/is-your-child-sick".  Copy this to your clipboard.

Generate PHP Article Code

Next login to the RemedyConnect CMSDesk.  This link will be given to you by RemedyConnect staff.  From there go to Start > Setup Options  > HTML Feed.

On the HTML Feed page, paste your page name next to Is Your Child Sick, and click Record Page Names button at the bottom.

Next click "Article(s) Body" to the right to generate the code.

This will popup some PHP code.  Copy all this to your clipboard.

Intall Insert PHP Code Snippets

Go to the Plugins section of the Word Press admin.  Click "Add New", then search the plugins for "insert php". Activate this plugin.
How To Add PHP in WordPress | WordPress Add Insert PHP Plugin - myprograming

Create your first Code Snippet

There should now be XYZ PHP Code item added to your Admin navigation.  Click + Add Snippet.
php snippet

Then select PHP snippet > Create Item.

Title the snippet, "Is Your Child Sick" and paste the generated PHP code.  You will have to remove the PHP tags at the beggining and end. (<?php ?>)  Then Publish.

Go back to the Snippets list.  Copy the Snippet ID.  In this case [wbcr_php_snippet id="2852"]


Reference the Code Snippet on the Page

Now go back to Pages in the Word Press Admin.  Edit your Is Your Child Sick page.  Important: Use the Classic Editor and Text Editor.  

Preview Your Page

The page will initially be a drop down.  When you select from the drop down menu and click Go, you will see the article.  You can apply your own stylesheet.

You can use this exact same code snippet for your drop down on the home page.

Some of our styles are:

table.bartcols .col1{}
table.bartcols .col2{}
table.bartcols .col3{}


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