Javascript Feed

The javascript feed is our newest feed and can be inserted on any page using javascript.  Please note, there are still some content systems that do not allow client side javascript to be inserted for security reasons.  If you run into this, try the HTML Feed or the Linked Module.

The following steps will help you install the content feed using the javascript feed.

Create a page for each article type

Go to your Remedy Connect CMSDesk.  This will be given to you by the staff when your content module is initially purchased.  You can go to the start tab.  Fill out Steps 1 & 2.  On Step 3: Setup Option. 

Select Javascript Feed. 

Click "Generate HTML Javascript Code" to bring up your list of article types.

For each article type listed, create a new page. This can just be in your directory of files.  Then type the name of the page into the "Generate Javascript Feed" page.  Click the button "Record Page Names" to save the name of the page.  In this case, it would be "breastfeeding.html".

Insert JS Files

First, you will need to include the following 2 javascript files in the head tag on any of your content module pages.  If you have an include or template that you are using, you should include it there.  The files are listed iin the "Generate Javascript Feed" page.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Insert Code on Each Page

When all pages have been created, you can go back and insert code for each one of them.  To generate the code that will display articles, click the button Generate Article Code next to the Page URL on your CMSDesk.

This will trigger a pop up box with your code.  You can select this code and paste it into your HTML File.  You will also want a list or drop down box on the article page so that the user can navigate between articles.  Use the Generate List or Generate Drop Down buttons to get this code as well.

Do this for each of the pages.

Set Links and Drop Downs

Next, you will want to get code to insert on either the home page or your template.  To generate this code, you can click the "Generate Home Page Box" or you can generate a drop down or link for each article type individually.

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